Growing up, I remember the verse “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” But, have you forgiven yourself? It’s time to learn to forgive yourself.
Why Forgive Yourself?
We’ve all learned that others must be forgiven for the things they do to us otherwise the resentment can fester. We’re taught, and learn coping techniques so we don’t suffer an illness as a result.
Forgive yourself for mistakes you have made in life and prevent resentment from growing and festering like a cancer.
If resentment can destroy a relationship just think what it could do to you.
I knew I had to forgive myself. I’ve been standing in my own way for too long. Maybe through forgiveness I can get past my limiting beliefs and start believing in myself again, achieving all I want in life.
Take The First Step
Today, the first step in forgiving myself was taken by admitting the mistakes I’ve made, apologizing, and forgiving myself.
I forgive myself for not taking better care of my health.
I forgive myself for the missed workouts.
I forgive myself for not being home when the boys were little.
I forgive myself for not being the mother I thought I should be.
I forgive myself for not working my business as hard as I wanted to.
I forgive myself for having the clutter in my home.
I forgive myself for the forgotten appointments.
I forgive myself for the broken promises.
I forgive myself for not loving myself as much as I should have.
I forgive myself for not believing in myself.
Now, it’s time for the healing to begin.
I challenge you to write a letter forgiving yourself. Grab a pen, a piece of paper, and go to town. Start writing until no more words will come out. Learn to forgive yourself and show yourself some love.